Examining methods of preventing receding gums
There are steps you can take to prevent receding gums. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the methods of preventing receding gums.
Gum disease is more common in adults, but children can also get it. Your biggest goal should be to prevent gum disease and strive for healthy gums. Brush and floss your teeth daily gum disease prevent. Preferably, you should brush your teeth after every meal or snack. Brush your teeth with a good quality toothbrush and get a new one every twelve weeks.
Visit the dentist regularly
Make sure you schedule your dental appointments and visit regularly. The dentist can diagnose and treat the initial symptoms of receding gums.
Learn proper brushing techniques
Many people do not realize that they are brushing improperly. Many people brush too aggressively. You should use a toothbrush that is not too abrasive or too gentle. Brush your teeth gently and be sure to brush the gum line. A dentist or hygienist can show you the right way to brush your teeth.
Avoid acidic foods and drinks
It may be tempting, but acidic foods and drinks can accelerate receding gums. Enamel You may be more resistant to acids, but the dentin is not. Exposure of the tooth roots to drinks such as wine, soda and orange juice can seriously damage them in a short period of time.. If you must drink their water, reduce their water.
Avoid smoking
These include cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.
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Ask about a custom night guard
If you grind or grind your teeth. Ask your dentist about a custom night guard. This device helps to protect teeth and gums from the destructive effects of tooth grinding. This can help relieve pressure on your jaw and prevent your upper and lower teeth from rubbing together..
Eat healthy food
Sweet and starchy foods can increase dental plaque. A healthy diet can provide your gums and teeth with the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
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- The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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