Front tooth implant implantation steps

Front tooth implant implantation steps | The best implant in Isfahan

Investigating the stages of front tooth implant implantation

Before implanting a dental implant, the doctor always carefully examines the patient and evaluates the condition of the teeth and his medical history, and asks him about the types of medications he is taking in order to learn about their negative effects on implant implantation.. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best implant in Isfahan We examine the steps of front tooth implant implantation.

The dentist fully talks with the patient about the treatment method. and cost Dental implant placement Determines the front row, then the dentist requests diagnostic tests. It examines factors such as the removal of a damaged tooth or the need for a bone graft because these two factors affect the final cost of treatment..

Diagnostic tests

You should do a CT scan to provide three-dimensional and accurate images of the condition of your teeth and jaw. Also, the doctor may ask for a two-dimensional photo of the relationship so that he can examine the general health of your teeth very carefully. These diagnostic tests are used to check the quality and quantity of the jaw bone and ensure your suitability as an applicant for dental implants.. The dentist will also take pictures of your mouth or make an impression of your teeth in order to design a specialized treatment plan for you..

Planning for implant surgery

The information obtained with the help of specialized tests is used to plan the surgery. The dentist will talk to you about choosing the best method of implant placement and determining how to implant it, such as the depth and angle of implantation and the cost of implant implantation.. Digital images show what your tooth will look like after implant placement, and this step is a vital part of the treatment process because the appearance of the teeth is very important in terms of aesthetics..

Advantages of front tooth implants | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

If it is necessary to extract one of your teeth, the dentist will pay for implant placement during surgery and will immediately fill its place with an implant post.. If you need a bone graft, the dentist usually places a small amount of special material for bone grafting in the desired place during implant placement.. Your dentist will discuss all these details with you. So that you can get to know what is done in the implant implantation process. After the implant implantation process is completed, the dentist will create a surgical stent that will be used during the implantation process.. A stent is a surgical guidance device that will be placed on the gum during surgery.

Front tooth implant implantation

Usually the planting process Dental implant The front row takes about an hour or less. And to do this, local anesthesia will be used. Planning for surgery is done quickly, and most importantly, the recovery period will be done more quickly and comfortably. Sometimes the dentist allows it after implanting the front tooth. to heal itself or he uses a special healing dressing and places it on the tissue around the implant. Sometimes dental implants are installed after surgery. Whichever method is used, you can install a temporary tooth until the permanent implant of the front tooth is ready.

Dr. Hossein Borjian's Instagram page The best implant in Isfahan

Installation of permanent teeth

If you need a temporary prosthesis, the doctor will suggest using a temporary dental bridge or flipper. So that during the healing period after implant implantation, there is no problem for the implant and it can be grafted with the surrounding bone. When an implant is placed in the jaw after surgery, it is usually a temporary tooth designed for cosmetic purposes only.. You cannot use this tooth to bite food and its only use is to fill the gap of a tooth that is going to be fixed later.. After the healing process is over, the permanent tooth is connected to the dental implant and is well adjusted and has a good aesthetic and functional performance..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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