Applications of dental veneers

Applications of dental veneers | The best dentist in Isfahan

Applications of dental veneers

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best dentist in Isfahan We examine the applications of various dental veneers.

Restoration of damaged tooth crown with dental crown

When the crown of your tooth is damaged due to a fracture or during dental treatment, the destroyed crown is treated using Dental crowns ترمیم می‌شود. In this situation, it takes 3 weeks to make the coating by the laboratory. During this period, the patient needs to visit the dentist's office 2-3 times.

Unsuitable people for dental crown treatment

Dental veneers are a safe way to restore and preserve damaged teeth. Of course, coating is not always the solution to your problem. Teeth that have root problems and decayed roots cannot be repaired with veneers. If the tooth has an infection, the coating method cannot be used and nerve extraction must be done first.

Procedures for dental veneers

  • Examination and grinding of teeth
  • Molding of teeth
  • Choosing the color of the dental veneer according to the natural color of the tooth
  • Sending templates to the laboratory
  • A metal frame or zirconium frame testing session
  • A porcelain test session
  • Cover delivery
  • Types of dental veneers

Choosing the right dental veneer depends largely on your dentist.

Types of dental veneer colors | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Ceramic dental veneers

This method is one of the most beautiful methods to do Dental crowns Is. This type of veneer is made of tooth-colored ceramics and is one of the most popular veneers among patients and dentists.. This type of veneer does not damage the tooth crown, but in terms of resistance, it is less strong than other veneers and is more vulnerable..

Metal dental veneers

These types of covers are made from a combination of metals such as gold, platinum, cobalt and chrome, and due to the presence of hard metals in their composition, they are very resistant to pressure and impact.. This type of cover is mostly used in the end teeth whose main task is chewing. Although these types of dental veneers are strong and resistant, they have a dark color due to the use of heavy metals, which causes fewer patients to choose this type of dental veneer..

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Metal-ceramic crown

This model of veneers includes both of the above and is used as a preferred veneer in dental service centers.. This type of crown has a metal base and is covered with ceramic. This coating is highly appreciated by people both in terms of resistance and beauty.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

Read more :

Prevention and treatment of tooth decay

Causes of discoloration in tooth enamel

The dangers of not treating a tooth infection

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