Different types of jaw abnormalities

Different types of jaw abnormalities | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Examining different types of jaw abnormalities

In order to better understand their jaw abnormalities, they have been classified. This classification (Communication between teeth) It is based on the connection of the mesiobuccal cusps of the first molar of the upper jaw with the buccal grooves of the first molar of the lower jaw.. In today's article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We examine different types of jaw abnormalities.

Class one

Class 1 communication refers to the natural state. In this case, the mesiobuccal cusp of the first molar is parallel to the buccal groove of the first molar of the lower jaw.. In addition, the upper canine tooth is placed between the canine tooth and the lower first small molar.

Class two

Class jaw disorder 2 It is said that the mesiobuccal cusp of the first molar of the upper jaw is in front of the buccal groove of the first molar of the lower jaw.. Class disruption 2 Often associated with the skeletal pattern of the class 2 It is known. In other words, the lower jaw is placed behind the upper jaw. The front of the upper jaw is the result of the slower growth of the lower jaw compared to the upper jaw, and as a result, it is smaller..

This abnormality causes chewing problems and compromises the overall health of the teeth. If this disorder is not corrected in childhood, orthognathic surgery will be necessary. The skeletal pattern is very important in terms of mechanical treatment of the condition. Class anomaly 2 It is seen in patients with various syndromes such as Pierre Robin syndrome and Treacher Collins syndrome.

Second class division

subgroup 1:

In this case, in addition to the class anomaly 2 The maxillary central incisors are also forward. In this case, we are facing severe overjet.

subgroup 2:

In this case, in addition to the class anomaly 2 The central incisors of the upper jaw are also inclined backwards, and sometimes the lateral incisors are forward or have a normal position.. In this case, the overjet is usually minimal or may increase.


In this case, the class anomaly 2 And the improper connection of the molars is only on one side, and the molars on the other side have a normal connection.

Class three

In this case, the mesiobuccal cusp of the first molar of the upper jaw is placed behind the groove of the first molar of the lower jaw.. Anomaly of the class jaw 3 Related to the skeletal model of the class 3 in other words, the lower jaw is ahead of the upper jaw. The reason for this is the slower growth of the upper jaw and the faster growth of the lower jaw, which makes the lower jaw larger than normal..

If this disorder is not treated, it causes problems for chewing and oral health. If this jaw deviation is not corrected in childhood, orthognathic surgery will be necessary in the coming years. The skeletal pattern is very important in terms of mechanical treatment of this condition. Problems related to teeth wear and teeth moving forward are likely. Class anomaly 3 It is observed in patients with various syndromes such as Crouzon syndrome and Opert syndrome.

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Class three division

Class III false jaw deformity

Due to occlusal prematurity, when the lower jaw wants to mate with the upper jaw, it moves slightly forward and the false class anomaly 3 arises. This class disorder 3 It is also called a situation.

Subdivision of class three

In this case, class jaw deformity 3 It is seen only in the molars of one side, and the molars of the other side are normally overlapped..

Problems caused by jaw deviation

The side effects of crooked jaw are both physical and emotional. Deviation and displacement of the jaw makes it difficult to eat, breathe, sleep, and speak, and the patient is uncomfortable even when the jaw is immobilized.. The problems caused by the deviation of the jaw and the front and back of the jaw are not the same in all patients and depend on the severity of the deviation. However, the following three problems seem to be common among patients with crooked jaw.

Difficulty chewing

Unfortunately, the deviation of the jaw causes the upper and lower jaw to collide and the patient experiences pain and discomfort when chewing..

Abnormal breathing

Deviation of the jaw forces the patient to breathe through the mouth. Continuous mouth breathing has many side effects.

unusual appearance

Deviation of the jaw disturbs the structure of the face. Children who have used pacifiers or thumb-sucking for a long time will face the problem of jaw deformity and forward and backward jaw in the coming years.. This problem overshadows both facial beauty and self-confidence.

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Treatment with corrective jaw surgery

Corrective jaw surgery is performed in order to solve problems that Orthodontic He is not able to solve them alone. Of course, orthodontics is usually an integral part of treatment for jaw deviation. While orthodontics is performed with the aim of aligning the teeth and achieving a healthy bite, some patients' teeth do not fit together due to jaw deviation.. In this situation, no matter how neat the teeth are, they still don't overlap and the mouth doesn't close. For this reason, the oral and dental surgeon and the orthodontist work together to perform corrective jaw surgery to achieve the best possible result..

Since the position of the jaw changes along with the child's growth, it is recommended that the jaw surgery be performed after the child's growth stops, i.e. 16 until the 18 age in boys and 13 until the 15 age should be done in girls.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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