Dental implant and bone grafting after vestibuloplasty surgery

Dental implant and bone grafting after vestibuloplasty surgery | The best dentist in Isfahan

Examining dental implant and bone grafting after vestibuloplasty surgery

In today's article, the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian The best dentist in Isfahan We examine dental implants and bone grafting after vestibuloplasty surgery. Before placing the implant, the specialist will examine your jaw during a clinical examination. Because in order to place the implant, a strong jawbone is needed to hold the prosthesis. If the jawbone is weakened or narrowed so that it cannot support the prosthesis, treatment methods should be used to prepare the mouth and teeth..

If you need a bone graft to replace an implant due to gum and jawbone loss, you may be referred for one type of maxillofacial surgery.. Bone grafting to compensate for the damaged bone, as well as gum repair and dental implants are among the procedures that should be done to replace the lost tooth.. Since the implant prosthesis must be placed in the jaw bone, the bone of this part must have the necessary resistance to hold the implant..

It may be interesting to know that the jawbone plays an important role in maintaining the health and appearance of your teeth. If the jawbone breaks down where the teeth are missing, this damage can spread to the healthy teeth adjacent to the edentulous area, jeopardizing your dental health..

Familiarity with vestibuloplasty surgery | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

The Instagram page of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best dentist in Isfahan

If you have neglected to apply the implant for a long time. It may be necessary to Bone grafting Need to strengthen and repair the jawbone that holds the implant prosthesis.

In this situation, the surgeon reconstructs the jawbone using bone grafting. Bone loss in the jaw also leads to gum loss. For bone grafting, the surgeon can use laboratory minerals or natural bone.

The important thing is that it is possible to implant an implant after the end of the bone graft treatment. For this reason, you must be patient during the treatment.

The surgeon performs this operation after a physical examination, viewing photographs and observing the mouth. In most cases, the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, but for the comfort of some patients, general anesthesia is required. If there is a missing tooth root in this area, denervation treatment is performed on it. Then the surgical environment is prepared and the implant is performed.

Common methods for bone grafting include::

  • Xenograft: Bone transfer from natural sources that can be animal models.
  • allograft: Made from someone else's natural bone
  • autograft: The desired bone is donated from the person's own body
  • Alloplast: Artificial materials are used instead of bone. This method is more popular.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be consulted with the patient in person with Mr. Dr. Berjian, Mastership Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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