Reasons for the return of orthodontic results

Reasons for the return of orthodontic results | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the reasons for the return of dental orthodontic results

The teeth are always moving, which is why many patients suffer from orthodontic relapse, which means that the teeth gradually move out of their orderly state and it becomes necessary to perform another period of orthodontic treatment.. The movement of the teeth after opening the wiring originates from various factors, which range from genetics to the habit of grinding teeth.. That is why the stage of maintaining and using a retainer plate is very important in order to open your lips to a beautiful and attractive smile with straight teeth for the rest of your life.. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We examine the reasons for the return of dental orthodontic results.

The structures that support the aligned teeth need time to get used to the new position after orthodontics is completed.. The teeth will stabilize in the new position over time, but there is always the possibility of orthodontic return. Although the natural tendency of the teeth to return to their original position is the main reason for the use of retainers, there are several factors that cause orthodontic relapse..

Grinding teeth

The forces related to the grinding of the teeth and Grinding teeth It moves the lower jaw forward and puts additional pressure on the upper teeth. Constant pressure on the arch of the upper teeth causes the teeth to shift and become misaligned. Many people grind their teeth while sleeping without realizing it.


Even if the permanent teeth are somehow lined up, genetics cause the teeth to be crooked and misaligned in adulthood..

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missing teeth

A natural reaction called "mesial deviation" causes the teeth to move forward. If a tooth is missing, the space it creates creates a space for the rest of the teeth, which facilitates the significant movement of the teeth and contributes to the misalignment of the teeth..


As the age increases, the teeth become weaker. As the tooth's protective enamel wears away and becomes thinner, the tooth bends and shifts under pressure.. Tooth movement due to aging is more common in lower anterior teeth.

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Care of the holder

The retainer also needs maintenance. Proper use of the retainer depends on its care. Asics retainer is easy to keep clean. Just put the plate in hot water (not hot) Place and drop the effervescent tablet for cleaning dentures or retainers into the water. You can clean a fixed retainer when you brush your teeth, but food particles often get stuck between the wire and the teeth. Therefore, you should put the waxed thread under the wire and remove the food particles. You can clean the fixed retainer more easily with Floss Trader.

The average lifespan of the Asics retainer is about two to five years, depending on the patient's usage and care. Like all orthodontic devices, the retainer is also resistant to wear caused by chewing Grinding teeth It is vulnerable. Also, if you do not take good care of the retainer, there is a possibility of it cracking. Because retainers are mandatory after orthodontic treatment, we encourage patients to visit the clinic regularly to have their retainers repaired or replaced.. Repairing or making a new retainer requires payment, but there is no doubt that keeping the teeth healthy and tidy is worth paying these small costs..

To prevent the holder from being damaged when you are not using it. Be sure to put it in a special box. If you have to take the retainer with you to work or school, be careful with it. Many retainers have been placed between napkins while eating and have broken due to carelessness..

Dr. Hossein Borjian, specialist in gum and bone grafting at Clinic 24

Dr. Hossein Borjian, gum and bone transplant specialist at Dr. Af

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
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