Examining ways to perform preventive orthodontics
By maintaining the quality of the oral and dental structure, the orthodontist reduces the severity of the problems related to the improper alignment of the teeth or prevents these problems from occurring.. If dental problems are diagnosed early, the treatment period will be shorter and the cost of treatment will be lower compared to the cost needed to solve the problems that will arise due to lack of treatment in the future.. In the continuation of this article, Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best implant in Isfahan We examine ways to perform preventive orthodontics.
Some treatment methods Orthodontic Preventive measures include the following:
headscarf (headgear) Orthodontic
Headgear is a preventive orthodontic tool that is used to correct the alignment of the upper and lower molars.. This tool is also used to create additional space to adjust the alignment of permanent teeth. Headgear is mainly used at home and at night while sleeping.
Space saving tool
Milk teeth help to place permanent teeth in the right position. In case of premature loss of milk teeth due to trauma or dental diseases, it is possible to use a space retainer. (space saver) be needed. If this tool is not used, it is possible that the adjacent teeth will move to the place of milk teeth and prevent the growth of permanent teeth or cause irregular and irregular growth and improper alignment of teeth..
A space maintainer is an orthodontic appliance that keeps the space between the teeth open so that the permanent tooth can grow in its proper position.. This orthodontic appliance can eliminate the need for additional orthodontic treatment in the future.
Directed growth
In this preventive orthodontic method, during the eruption of permanent front teeth (At about six years old) It is possible to prevent or reduce irregular growth of teeth. This method is done by creating more space for the growth of teeth and providing the necessary conditions to maintain the natural alignment of the teeth.. In connection with the use of this treatment method, a dentist should be consulted.
Dr. Hossein Borjian's Instagram page The best implant in Isfahan
Early extraction of baby teeth
At times baby tooth It doesn't happen at the right time (Or that the baby tooth does not fall out by itself). In such cases, it is possible for the permanent tooth to grow in the wrong place because the baby tooth has not been removed. In this case, it may be necessary to extract the baby tooth in order to grow the tooth in the correct way and create enough space for the permanent tooth to grow.
thumb sucking
Excessive thumb sucking can cause the jaw or upper teeth to grow forward, and in this case, an overbite is possible. (The upper teeth are in front of the lower jaw) be created and need orthodontic treatment. With the use of suitable dental tools, the child's desire for such habits will disappear and the need for costly orthodontic treatment in the future will be eliminated..
Attention :
- The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
- This article was managed and published by the site admin.
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