The main causes of lip numbness

The main causes of lip numbness | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Investigating the main causes of lip numbness

Lip numbness caused by cold temperatures (Mild frostbite) Or minor injuries such as biting or burning lips while eating can usually be treated at home. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We examine the main causes of lip numbness. See your doctor if your lip numbness lasts more than a few minutes or is accompanied by other symptoms such as increased fatigue, facial swelling, facial drooping, or severe pain..


Lip numbness can be caused by frostbite, which in some cases may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • blistering (It usually occurs when your skin warms up again)
  • Tingling and numbness in other areas such as the nose, cheeks, ears, fingers and toes
  • Changes in skin color and texture (Such as red, white, blue-white or gray-yellow skin or hard and waxy skin)

Frostbite, which is milder than frostbite, occurs when your lips become cold but not actually frozen.. In this condition, your blood vessels constrict, which means that less blood reaches the tissues under your lips. It is completely reversible after heating.

In frostbite, ice crystals form in your skin and blood flow is restricted. In severe cases, freezing can affect deep tissue, which may cause nerve damage or permanent tissue death.. Frostbite and partial frostbite disappear when returning to a warm environment. On the other hand, severe frostbite can be serious and dangerous and requires an emergency visit. Its treatment includes painkillers, removal of the damaged tissue and surgery.


One of the other causes of lip numbness may be hypothermia, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • confusion
  • Lip numbness
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Increased sleepiness

Hypothermia is a dangerous condition that occurs when your body temperature drops to 95 degrees Fahrenheit or less. This condition usually occurs when you are exposed to cold air or cold water, but it can also occur in temperate climates..

Lip numbness from mild hypothermia often goes away when you return to a warm environment and remove wet clothing.. But severe hypothermia is a serious condition, so you should go to the emergency room. Treatment includes warmed IV fluids and humidified oxygen.

Exposure to drugs or chemicals

Numbness of the lips can be one of the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, anesthesia, and injecting cosmetics into the lips.. Dental procedures that use local anesthesia or facial surgery can also numb your lips for up to 24 hours.. Exposure to chemicals or toxins such as poisoning with Bleach It can also cause numbness of the lips.

In these cases, lip numbness can be temporary or permanent. If this feeling lasts more than a few days or interferes with daily activities such as eating and drinking, see your doctor.. If the numbness and swelling worsens, go to the emergency room, especially if the tongue and throat swell, as this can lead to a serious allergic reaction..

Damage to the lips

Lip numbness can occur from a minor injury such as biting the lip or a burn from eating too hot food. It often goes away within a few days as the mouth heals. If your lip numbness is caused by a serious event, such as a head injury or seizure, go to the emergency room.

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Lip numbness caused by anxiety is often mild and resolves on its own. If you have anxiety, try breathing into a paper bag that covers your mouth and nose. This helps increase the amount of carbon dioxide in your body, which removes the numbness of the lips. If your anxiety is interfering with your daily life, see a doctor or mental health provider. Treatment may include psychotherapy and medication.


A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of your brain is reduced or cut off. The most common cause of stroke is a clot in an artery, but it can also be caused by a leaking or burst blood vessel in your brain.. When nerve cells in the brain lose their blood supply, they cannot communicate with the body, and this may lead to muscle weakness or numbness in certain parts of the body..

An untreated stroke can lead to brain damage or brain death. Another type of stroke that can cause numbness is a transient ischemic attack (TIA) It is also called "small stroke".. A TIA occurs just like a stroke, but symptoms improve within minutes or hours. TIAs usually do not cause permanent brain damage or brain death because blood flow is quickly restored.

Numbness of the upper lip versus numbness of the lower lip

Some people think that numbness in the upper or lower lip may indicate a stroke. While any of the lips can be associated with stroke syndrome. Lip numbness that occurs completely on its own can rarely be the result of a TIA or stroke.

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Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is caused by problems with the peripheral nervous system, nerve connections outside the brain and spinal cord. Damage to one or more nerves often occurs in the hands and feet, but other parts of the body, such as the lips, can also be affected.. Peripheral neuropathy It is often caused by diabetes, which is called diabetic neuropathy. But other underlying diseases such as injuries, infections, genetic diseases, exposure to toxins or chemicals such as tobacco, autoimmune diseases, and the use of certain medications can lead to this condition..

Treatment includes over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) or prescription painkillers such as gabapentin. Physical therapy and regular exercise may also be effective. If you have diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels can help reduce further nerve damage.


Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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