Examining dental PFM veneers

Examining dental PFM veneers | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Familiarity with dental PFM coating

There are several reasons for using dental veneers. Different types of oral problems and disorders affect the need for dental veneers. One of these reasons is increasing the resistance of a tooth that is fractured or weak, or the dentist plans to use a veneer as a tooth replacement after root canal surgery, install it to an implant to replace a large tooth filling, and other possible reasons.. However, the need for dental veneers depends on the nature of the problem you are facing. Some dental problems require immediate treatment. Installing a dental crown will prevent other dental problems in the future. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan به بررسی روکش PFM دندان می پردازیم.

What is PFM coating?

As it is clear from the name of this cover and abbreviation Ceramic coating It is attached to metal, these coatings are a combination of ceramic and metal. The ceramic that is on the tooth looks like the natural color of the tooth, but the dark metal under the tooth can show the gum line, especially in cases where you have receding gums.. Usually, dentists recommend the use of this type of cover for patients who want to have the natural appearance and original strength of their teeth..

Ceramic coating connected to metal has a long life and you can use it for several years without having any problems.. This coating is very famous and its positive efficiency has been confirmed so that a large number of patients around the world achieve their desired result with this coating.. If you protect this coating well and take care of your oral health, you can enjoy its benefits for up to 30 years.. For more than 60 years, this type of coating has been successfully used in the treatment of a large number of patients and their lifespan has been evaluated..

Compositions for making PFM coating

In general, three very important categories are used to make this type of cover, which are:: Precious alloy, semi-precious alloy and non-precious alloy. Sometimes non-precious alloy is called base metal and its precious alloy content is less than 25%. These metals often contain large amounts of cobalt, nickel, chromium and beryllium. Semi-precious alloy contains at least 25% of precious metals. Precious alloy also contains more than 60% precious compounds such as gold, platinum and palladium. Precious alloy contains 40% gold. Metal structures are covered by feldspathic ceramics.

Different types of dental veneers | The best dentist in Isfahan

Characteristics of PFM dental veneers

  • This type of coating is very strong and can be used to treat different areas of the mouth in most people.
  • According to the clinical studies conducted, the high durability and longevity of this coating has been proven.
  • Clinical studies have shown that one PFM veneer lasts for many years, and the lifespan of a three-unit PFM bridge is also relatively long..
  • The PFM bridge and cache have a relatively good appearance, especially in the first few years that have passed since they were installed.
  • Dentists can install this type of veneer well and accurately, while this issue does not apply to zirconia veneers..
  • This type of coating can be used for a bridge that has a long lifespan, and according to research, it is a very practical and effective method..

Potential problems caused by the use of PFM coating

Although the durability and longevity of this type of coating is not in doubt, due to its metal structure, it may not be very satisfactory in terms of aesthetics.. Sometimes plaque is formed around this structure, and even after peeling the ceramic, it is not precisely defined and beautiful.. Veneers, unlike natural teeth, do not allow light to pass through, so they may look a little dark. Another problem associated with this type of veneer is receding gums.

Over time, the coating will retreat and the metal edges of the coating will become visible. In such a way that a gray line is created which is not pleasant at all. One way to overcome this problem is to use a ceramic rim, but this method is not always a practical solution. This type of coating is covered by feldspathic ceramic. which is relatively a weaker composition and its decay rate is high, especially in cases where you are dealing with the problem of grinding your teeth..

PFM dental veneer care tips

If the dentist has used the PFM coating, you will not need special care. Just brush your teeth regularly and use dental floss.

Comparing the comfort of zirconia and PFM veneers

Compared to the old veneer, the zirconia veneer does not transmit temperature fluctuations. And it will not cause any problems for natural teeth. Using this type of cover is more comfortable compared to other covers. Ceramic veneers attached to metal satisfy the majority of patients and are among the most popular treatment options..

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Checking the level of resistance with other coatings

Solid zirconia is the strongest compound recommended to patients. That's why for those people with problems Grinding teeth They struggle is considered a very suitable choice. The unique strength of this type of coating is an important reason for its use in bridges and veneers of back row teeth. Highly transparent zirconia is less resistant and stable compared to solid zirconia, but compared to PFM coating, it is very strong and can be used for any tooth.. The lifespan of PFM coating is about 30 years if oral hygiene is followed.

Complications of PFM coating

Zirconia has a high viability and in people who are allergic to PFM coating. It will not cause any kind of allergy, that is why zirconia coating can be used in these people. Also, in patients who are allergic to PFM coating, using this type of coating can prevent soft tissue inflammation because it does not cause any kind of reaction..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
  • This article is managed and published by the site admin.

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