Causes and symptoms of dental implant rejection

Symptoms of dental implant rejection | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Investigating the causes and symptoms of dental implant rejection

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan We will examine the causes and symptoms of dental implant rejection. There are some common symptoms that indicate that your dental implant has retracted:

Placement of the implant and its repair

"Movement" or displacement of the implant in the jawbone should not be seen in a suitable implant. If this happens with a relatively new implant, it means that the implant is not permanently bonded to the bone. At Dental implants Older, this may indicate an infection, which has loosened the tooth and caused it to change. Over time, the implant is likely to become more and more loose and may even become dislodged.

Pain in the implanted area

after 1-2 week, if the implant is healthy and successful, you should not feel any pain near your dental implant site.. Pain and discomfort most likely indicate an infection under the dental implant site, which may cause inflammation around the site. If your implant is causing pain in your mouth, call your dentist right away or go to a medical center right away to have the implant area evaluated by a professional..

Sensitivity when pressing and putting pressure on the implant

After your implant has healed, you should no longer feel discomfort or sensitivity from pressure on your implant when you smile, bite, or chew.. It should feel just like a normal tooth. Tenderness when biting may mean that the implant is infected or not properly connected to the jaw and gum tissue.

Gingival contamination, swelling or receding near the implant area

If a peri-implant develops and the area around your implant becomes infected. You may notice symptoms outside of your gums. These symptoms may include gingivitis and swelling, receding or discolored gums. If you notice these or similar things in your gums, contact us or visit a specialist clinic as soon as possible..

Having trouble chewing food properly

Your implant should not feel awkward or uncomfortable when you chew. If you notice that you are having trouble chewing properly with your implant due to implant displacement, pain, or pressure, this is a warning sign of implant failure and rejection..

Causes of dental implant rejection

Dental implants can fail and be rejected for various reasons, including health factors, the standard of post-operative care, and the sufficient skill and expertise of the dentist.. Below are some of the main reasons why dental implants fail:

Rejection of foreign bodies and allergic reaction

The Australian Dental Association states that whenever a foreign object enters your body. There is a possibility of side effects. Dental implants and other materials used for the implant procedure may cause a local reaction. To ensure the best ingredients for treatment, the dentist should check whether you have allergies or not.

Causes of toothache after implant | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Improper adjustment of the implant

One of the most challenging aspects of implant dentistry is placing the implant so that it is completely surrounded by bone.. Sometimes the condition of the bone is not ideal for an implant. Therefore, the implant and the bone may end up being in place without proper adjustment to each other. When the implant does not match the bone, the crowns can look unnatural, the gums can recede, and the dark gray metal of the implant can be visible in the gums..

Correcting misplaced implants can be difficult. The extraction process can damage the adjacent bone and teeth. That's why it's so important to get it right the first time. Also, it is very important to choose a dentist with knowledge and experience to get the best results.

Pre-implantitis and other infections

Pre-implantitis is one of the main causes of dental implant failure. The debate is whether it should be classified as a disease or as a complication due to a foreign body being lodged in the oral cavity.. Regardless, sometimes an inflammatory response may occur shortly after the procedure, caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth..

Peri-implantitis can damage the gingiva and bone around the implant, potentially leading to secondary bone loss or implant failure.. While the disease can be treated, in most cases, the implant needs to be replaced. Those prone to bacterial infection or peri-implantitis are diabetics, smokers, and those with poor oral hygiene..

Rejection of implant with bone

Implant-to-osseobonding is a term used to describe the development of a structural bond between the bone and the newly inserted titanium implant.. This process usually takes a few weeks to a few months. Sometimes the implant does not completely integrate with the jawbone. This can loosen the implant, or it can even dislodge from the bone. The main reason for this is that there is not enough bone to place the implant in.

Your bone density and overall bone health is an important consideration when it comes to implant dentistry. Assessing your bone health is something your dentist will do before surgery. If there is not enough bone, a bone graft or sinus lift is an option to restore the correct conditions for the placement of implants..

Nerve damage

While nerve damage is rare, it can happen if the implant is fixed too close to nerves around the mouth. This is more common with dentists who are inexperienced with dental implants, or when the dentist does not use their treatment plan as part of their practice.. A treatment plan is what helps the dentist identify all the factors that can affect the implant placement procedure, such as identifying the ideal implant location in relation to important structures and nerves in the mouth.. Nerve damage is usually diagnosed when there is numbness, severe pain, or a tingling sensation around the gums, lips, cheeks, or tongue..

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Failure of the implant operation itself

Despite being made of a strong metal, the base of the metal implant may loosen. When the implant part becomes loose, movement can cause the implant to fracture. Thanks to advances in implant technology, this is less common today, however implant breakage can still occur.. Especially with cheaper items and overseas labs, which may use poor quality materials, leading to defects in the size and fit of the implant, which compromises the stability of the implant..

You want to make sure that your dentist is using top-notch materials that are of the right quality and will prevent your implant from rejecting or rejecting..

Improper extraction of tooth molds

The mold of your teeth is taken by the dentist and sent to the laboratory to make the crowns. If this impression is not accurate, the replacement teeth may not fit with the rest of your teeth. Just a slight misalignment can lead to a gap between the crown and the gum that is large enough to compromise the appearance and function of the teeth.. This can introduce bacteria to the gums and eventually lead to infection. The infection is treatable, but you may need to replace the implant.

In fact, this very slight mismatch can double the cost of your treatment. Another factor is the cement that bonds the new tooth crown to the implant, which can also cause infection if it leaks onto the gums.. That is why the skill of the dentist and implant specialist is very important. They should be comfortable performing the procedure under accurate magnification, which in turn will reduce any gaps and mistakes..

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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