Factors causing numbness in the lips

Factors causing numbness in the lips | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

بررسی عوامل ایجاد بی حسی در لب ها

In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan عوامل ایجاد بی حسی در لب ها را مورد بررسی قرار می دهیم.

تبخال زدن

Cold sores are tiny blisters filled with fluid that appear on and around the lips. They are usually caused by a virus called herpes simplex. Any viral infection can affect your nerves and numb your lips. هیچ درمانی برای Herpes وجود ندارد. They usually go away in 2 to 4 weeks, but they can come back. If your cold sores are mild and don't come back often, you can use an over-the-counter medicine called Aberva to speed up the healing process.. But if you get frequent or long-term cold sores, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral drug like valacyclovir to help it clear up faster and reduce the number of future outbreaks..

عارضه زونا

Shingles caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) is created. VZV is the virus that causes chickenpox. If you get chickenpox, the virus stays in your body and can reappear years later as shingles, which causes a painful rash in one area of ​​the body.. The abdomen and back are common places, but they can also appear on the face and lips.

The pain of shingles usually goes away when the rash goes away. But according to the CDC, approx 10 until the 18 A percentage of people who get shingles develop a pain syndrome called postherpetic neuralgia. This situation can last for weeks, months and even years. You can get the shingles vaccine, which is for people 50 Available years and older, reduce your risk of shingles.

See a doctor immediately if you have shingles. A rash on the face caused by shingles, if not treated immediately, can cause severe and permanent complications such as blindness. While the virus cannot be cured, your doctor will prescribe antiviral medications to speed recovery. هر چه زودتر دارو را مصرف کنید، خطر بروز عوارض آن کمتر خواهد بود. اگر بثورات زونا شما بسیار دردناک است، پزشک ممکن است مسکن‌هایی نیز تجویز کند. If you have mild pain, you can use acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

The main causes of lip numbness | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

وجود سرطان

Cancers of the mouth, throat, and face can cause numbness in the lips because they can damage the nerves around your lips. In this situation, you may have numbness in the whole mouth or only in certain areas. Smoking is one of the most common causes of oral and throat cancers. Sun exposure is the main cause of lip cancers. رشد هر گونه تومور در صورت که به اعصاب فشار بیاورد می تواند باعث بی حسی شود. Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Numbness of the lips may be due to damage caused by cancer and permanent treatment.

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داشتن آلرژی

Lip numbness can be an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, medication, cosmetics, or certain foods.. Some allergic reactions are mild and only cause hives or itching. These reactions can usually be treated at home.

Other allergic reactions can be severe and serious. Mild allergic reactions can be treated at home with over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl. These prevent your body from releasing chemicals like histamine that contribute to allergy symptoms.

بیماری هیپوگلیسمی

Hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar is too low. Taking diabetes medications can lower blood sugar. Other diseases such as cirrhosis and anorexia nervosa can also cause hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a medical emergency that can lead to death if left untreated. You can raise your blood sugar by eating or drinking foods high in sugar, but if your symptoms are severe, or if sugar doesn't make you feel better, you should seek medical attention..

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  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be consulted with the patient in person with Mr. Dr. Berjian, Mastership Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
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