Procedures of dental orthodontic treatment

Procedures of dental orthodontic treatment | The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Examining the stages of dental orthodontic treatment

Many people are unhappy with their teeth being out of order or having a gap between their teeth. Many others have difficulty speaking or eating due to the upper and lower teeth not being in the correct position.. These problems are caused by various reasons, such as tongue pressure on the teeth, thumb sucking, impact on the jaw, and other factors.. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best gum surgeon in Isfahan به بررسی مراحل انجام درمان ارتودنسی دندان می پردازیم.

The problem of irregular teeth can be solved by orthodontics. Braces are used to correct any deformities or defects related to the mouth and teeth and increase the appearance of the mouth and improve the chewing function.. Fixed or mobile braces move the teeth to the right position and have an effect on bone and tooth growth. Fixed braces are used more than other braces. By using brackets and metal wires that connect the brackets, braces put pressure on the teeth and improve the alignment of the teeth..

Mobile braces are used in children to influence bone growth and muscle activity. Transparent braces are used to solve problems related to teeth alignment. These braces are only used in cases where the teeth are slightly crooked and irregular (And not in extreme cases) used.

Advantages of dental orthodontics

Orthodontic In order to solve the problems related to the appearance of the face and also to improve the way the teeth are placed on each other, it is considered the best treatment option.. If the position of the teeth is such that ceramic laminate (porcelain) damage, orthodontics helps to solve this problem.

By examining the condition of the teeth, one can find out the existence of the above problems. If the teeth are worn or chipped, or there are cracks in them, the person is not a suitable candidate for using porcelain laminate.. Of course, in some cases, the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder can be beneficial.

Orthodontic treatment steps

Orthodontic treatment usually takes six to thirty months to complete. This treatment method is largely classified as malocclusion (Failure to position upper and lower teeth correctly)It depends on the type of orthodontic tools needed and the follow-up of the patient.

In this section, three different stages of orthodontic treatment are described:

planning – the level 1

Accurate diagnosis of the dental problem helps the orthodontist in adjusting the alignment of the teeth in the most effective and appropriate way possible.. It is possible that the first few sessions of the patient's visit will be devoted to the following:

Medical and dental evaluation

Usually, dental problems and physical complications are related to each other. Oral and dental problems can lead to other diseases. The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure that dental and physical problems are under control before starting treatment.

Molding of sick teeth

At this stage, the patient brushes his teeth (tray) Molding is placed. In this tray, there is a gelatinous substance that tightens around the teeth. Then, one of the teeth is separated and it is used to mold and create a model of the patient's teeth. This model helps the orthodontist in evaluating the position of each tooth and its relationship with other teeth.

Panoramic X-ray imaging

X-ray imaging is a very suitable method for examining dental problems or jaw joint injuries.. The orthodontist uses this method to check the exact position of each tooth and their roots.

Computer generated images

These images help the orthodontist in planning the treatment plan and checking the effect of the treatment on the appearance of the face and the symmetry and fit of the jaw..

taking pictures

Many orthodontists tend to take pictures of the face and teeth at different times in order to evaluate the progress of the treatment and the effect of the treatment on the appearance of the patient's face..

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Active phase of orthodontics – the level 2

All the above methods and tools are used to diagnose and plan the treatment plan for the patient. Then the orthodontist uses special orthodontic tools to move the teeth in the correct direction. Orthodontic tools can be fixed or mobile. In most cases, fixed braces are used. Lingual braces are also fixed, but they are placed on the inside of the teeth and are less visible..

Movable orthodontic appliances are an alternative to fixed braces. Examples of movable orthodontic tools include invisiline, head gear (headscarf) And they are face masks. These tools should be used for several hours every day to speed up the treatment process.

Regardless of the type of orthodontic appliance, the specialist constantly adjusts the appliance to ensure adequate pressure on the teeth.. Visiting an orthodontist at regular intervals is mandatory. Any breakage or damage of orthodontic tools should be reported to the specialist.

Maintenance and stabilization phase – the level 3

After aligning the teeth, fixed and movable braces are removed and their use is stopped. In this part, the most difficult part of orthodontic treatment ends. Then the orthodontist makes a special retainer for the patient. The retainer prevents the teeth from returning to their previous position. The retainer should be used for a certain period of time during the day and in a set period of time. During the maintenance phase, the jawbone regenerates around the aligned teeth. As a result, the position of the teeth is stabilized in the right direction.

Disadvantages of orthodontics

The biggest drawback of using the orthodontic method is the length of the treatment process as well as the time required for care measures in order to stabilize the treatment results.. After using braces, you should usually use a retainer to prevent the teeth from moving to their previous position. The patient generally has to wear the retainer continuously for several months after removal (and nights for several years) use.

Choosing each of these treatment methods should be done according to the needs of the patient. If the patient needs to straighten his messy teeth and the appearance of the person's teeth is inappropriate, orthodontic treatment should be used..

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In order to achieve a satisfactory result, orthodontic treatment should be started at an early age. After completing the treatment, a retainer should be used to stabilize the treatment result. But if the patient's goal is only to improve the appearance of the teeth, using laminate is considered a suitable option. This method causes the desired result to be obtained in a short period of time, and for this reason, adults tend to use this method more.

Orthodontic It is used to fix crooked teeth and in this method it takes time to achieve a satisfactory result. Laminate is used when there are stains on the teeth and the color of the teeth has changed, or there are fractures and chipped teeth.. It is also possible to get the desired result using laminate in a short time.

If there is doubt in choosing the best treatment option, the dentist can help the patient in determining the appropriate treatment method. The dentist plans the treatment plan based on the patient's needs and helps the patient to improve the appearance and maintain the health of the teeth..

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above material should be confirmed by the patient's personal consultation with Dr. Borjian.
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