Application and types of dental brosage

Application and types of dental brosage | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Getting to know the application and types of dental brosage

Our teeth are in contact with various foods throughout the day. Many people do not pay enough attention to the basic cleaning of their teeth and may only use a toothbrush once a night and that too superficially.. In this article from Dr. Hossein Borjian's website The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan We examine the application and types of dental brosage.

In addition, most people do not use dental floss, which is an important method for cleaning and maintaining dental hygiene. In this situation, plaques are formed on the teeth and gradually change the color of the teeth. Dental brushing, sometimes called tooth polishing, is a method used by a dentist to maintain the health and beauty of teeth..

Applications of dental brosage

This method is used for these purposes:

  • Remove stains
  • Polishing and cleaning teeth
  • Smoothing the surface of the teeth
  • Get rid of plaques
  • Prevent gum disease and irritation

During dental appointments, the hygienist first cleans your teeth and removes accumulated plaque.. This process is called tooth scaling. After the teeth are cleaned, finally, he polishes your teeth using brosage techniques to get rid of any lingering plaque on the teeth..

Types of tooth brushing methods

Tooth brushing methods can be divided into four types. In the following, we will examine 4 types of this complementary dental treatment.

Surface brosage

A dental procedure is purely cosmetic and is done when dentists focus on polishing the crowns of the teeth..

Selected brosage

In this method, polishing is used to remove any stains or discoloration left after scaling and other tooth cleaning methods..

Beautiful brosage

This method, which is also known as coronal polishing, is actually not a very beautiful method. The purpose of this type of brosage is to remove plaque and stains from the teeth.. This method relies on the use of abrasive pastes to create a shiny, reflective white color.

Brusage therapy

In some cases, dental surgery exposes dental cementum, which is the layer of hard tissue that covers the root of a tooth.. Polishing these areas helps to remove microflora and endotoxins caused by the accumulation of bacteria in that area..

Care tips after brosage

After the treatment procedure brosageYou need to give your mouth and teeth time to heal. Your dentist or hygienist will give you specific instructions after the work is done.

But in general, you should avoid eating and drinking for at least 30 minutes after doing this process. For the next three days, expect some sore gums. To relieve this type of oral pain, you can use ibuprofen, acetaminophen or other over-the-counter pain relievers..

How is tooth brushing done?

Teeth polishing is a painless dental procedure, and because it is a superficial treatment, patients will not feel any pain during the procedure.. This process is done by a plastic device that has a roller on its head. Using this roller, the profi paste is applied on the teeth to completely clean any stains and stains from the teeth.. Prosage dental pastes are also called Profi pastes, which stands for prophylaxis, which has preventive and disease-preventing effects, as well as cleaning and polishing teeth.. This material is used to remove surface stains. In addition to Profi paste, they can also create a smooth and polished surface on the teeth and restore their shine..

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The importance of cleaning and polishing teeth

When layers of plaque build up on teeth, they harden and form a hard mineral called tartar. Your dental professional may refer to this as plaque.. This environment is a suitable habitat for bacteria and this growth may cause dental diseases.

During the dental sessions, the dental hygienist removes these dental plaques with a method called "scaling".. After shaving off this hard plaque with special tools, which is also known as the scaling stage, the specialist polishes the teeth..

This step after crime It is done, it is called brosage. This process can remove surface stains on the teeth and make them shiny and smooth.. Brushing or tooth polishing plays the final role in preventive dental treatment.

Attention :

  • The scientific accuracy of the above article should be consulted with Dr. Borjian, a specialist, in person Gum and bone grafting be confirmed.
  • This article was managed and published by the site admin.

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