The best gum surgeon in Isfahan

Getting to know short dental implants | The best dentist in Isfahan

Getting to know short dental implants

Examination of short dental implants. Short dental implants are used when there is little bone to place them.. The minimally invasive dental implant procedure examines the volume of bone available for implant placement and the final support required for the dental crown.. Instead of focusing on trying to add more bone through grafting, dentists have to

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Cases requiring tooth composite removal | The best dentist in Isfahan

Cases requiring tooth composite removal

Examining the cases of the need to remove composite teeth and veneers are made of very durable materials that can withstand moderate pressure caused by chewing food, drinking liquids, and biting food.. But sometimes, for many reasons, the composite veneer fails after the treatment process is completed, and it has to be removed

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Factors causing periodontal diseases | The best dentist in Isfahan

Factors causing periodontal diseases

Investigating the causes of periodontal diseases, although the accumulation of bacterial mass is the main cause of periodontal disease, several other factors including other diseases, medications and oral habits also lead to this disease.. These factors increase the risk of gum disease or make it worse when the gums become infected.. In this article from

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How to do veneers for dental personnel | The best dentist in Isfahan

How to do veneers for dental personnel

Getting to know how dental crowns are performed If the treatment is performed by a cosmetic dentist with experience and the necessary training, porcelain crowns will not damage your natural teeth.. They actually enhance the natural beauty of your teeth and are a more conservative option than restorations like dental crowns when repairing chipped or broken teeth..

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Reasons for using dental braces | The best cosmetic dentist in Isfahan

Reasons for using dental braces

Investigating the reasons for using dental braces, the initial consultation with an orthodontist usually includes a visual examination of the patient's teeth and facial structure and a discussion with the patient about this.. If the orthodontist needs more detailed information, or if the patient agrees to begin treatment, diagnostic tests are performed on the patient.

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Ways to treat the infection of the coated tooth | The best dentist in Isfahan

Ways to treat the infection of the coated tooth

Examining ways to treat infected tooth infection in this article from the website of Dr. Hossein Borjian, the best dentist in Isfahan, we will examine ways to treat infected tooth infection.. Be with us. The type of treatment a person receives for a tooth infection depends on various factors, including:: The primary location of the abscess is the possibility of spreading the infection

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Address: Isfahan, Hakim Nizami intersection

Next to Bush, Najm community, 2nd floor

Dental apparatus channel

Gum surgery with laser and implant
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